
Pokemon ruby randomizer rom shiny chance
Pokemon ruby randomizer rom shiny chance

pokemon ruby randomizer rom shiny chance pokemon ruby randomizer rom shiny chance

These characters are instead silently stripped from the names. Gens 4/5: No longer crashes when names with illegal characters like "$" and "_" are used.Now randomizes 1-character trainer names (i.e., N).Settings: Randomize Trainer Names & Randomizer Trainer Class Names When "Percentage Level Modifier" is enabled, this setting now takes the level modifier into account when determining if a Pokemon is below level 20.Fixed an issue where Type-Themed Trainers would use alternate forme Pokemon even when "Allow Alternate Formes" was disabled.BW2: The trainers that appear on subsequent visits to the Driftveil Tournament can now be randomized.Allows for increasing/decreasing Static Pokemon levels by a percentage. Available for all games from generation 3 to generation 7.When used with "Random (similar strength)", applies a BST limit to all legendaries that are catchable and directly in your way in the main game see this wiki page for more information about which Pokemon this applies to. Renamed to "Limit Main-Game Legendaries".No longer allows Giratina-O and Shaymin-S to appear as static Pokemon due to them reverting back to their regular forms in unexpected circumstances.Settings: Swap Legendaries & Swap Standards / Random In all generation 4 games, static Pokemon in non-US versions are now randomized when randomizing static Pokemon.No longer allows Giratina-O and Shaymin-S to appear as starter Pokemon due to them reverting back to their regular forms in unexpected circumstances.Starters, Statics & Trades Starter Pokemon For time-based evolutions that were split evolutions (like Espeon, Umbreon, or Lycanroc), these now use evolution stones instead see this wiki page for more information. With this setting, evolutions that previously required a certain time of day to activate will now work for any time of day.Gens 6/7: Fixed an issue where Nincada's "Shedinja Evolution" would crash on real 3DS hardware.No longer allows Giratina-O and Shaymin-S to be used as possible evolutions due to them reverting back to their regular forms in unexpected circumstances.Gen 7: Fixed an issue where "Follow Evolutions" settings didn't apply to alternate forme evolutions (Alolan forms, etc) if evolutions were not randomized.

pokemon ruby randomizer rom shiny chance

Now correctly bans the alternate formes of Pokemon that change depending on their abilities from appearing as starter Pokemon even if "Allow Alternate Formes" is enabled (Affects Castform, Darmanitan, Aegislash, Wishiwashi).Now allows you to select which EXP curve is used for standardization.This setting can be toggled on and off in the "Settings" menu. Keeps your game and settings loaded after a successful randomization.This setting has been removed due to being outdated.Can now be used with the generation 6 and 7 games.

Pokemon ruby randomizer rom shiny chance